Football Fusion
Football Fusion at Portlick Scout Campsite is an activity for up to 16 players in two teams. It is a great team building activity as co-operation is the key to success! The game is just like a life size human version of table football – with all the same fun and excitement! As with a lot of activities in Portlick Scout Campsite, it looks easy, but it’s a lot more challenging than it looks!

A Sponge Football works best for this activity, because it is lighter and travels faster!

Football Fusion is suitable for all ages and can be played with as little as 4 people! No safety equipment is required as the football is made of sponge and the handrails are padded. Patience, co-operation and determination are essential! Our staff are on hand to supervise at all times.
Crate Stacking is an activity the tests many different skills! Heights, Balance and Hand-Eye co-ordination!